at 8:49am on wednesday morning, february 23, my good friends
danny and trisha delivered a beautiful baby boy!
soren daniel kennedy was 10 pounds and 21 3/4 inches long. what a freakin' huge baby!
now sean, danny, and i all have kids. it's kind of hard to believe how different our lives look since starting rahab, harbor, and moving in different directions altogether. i am thankful for both of them and the time we shared life together.
sean and danny, you have both taught me so much and i love you both. i hope that our kids will help heal us all and perhaps even bring us back together in some way.
8:40 AM 
a little while ago my best friend and his family moved to amarillo. amarillo. yes, i said amarillo.
i don't know when the mourning is going to end if ever, but this post serves two purposes. one, to put my pain on paper (so to speak) and two, to out his blog. he writes at
sojourner. show him some love for me will you?
chris, you have been an invaluable part of my life for many years and while it breaks my heart to miss out on you and laura and tressa and eliora, i'm encouraged by your sojourn. love you.
8:22 AM 
how i hate xp
windows - straight from the devil
nothing works quite right
9:02 AM 
Lovely hot pocket
So flaky, crisp, nutritious
Death by microwave
12:34 PM 
hey, can i borrow your moral compass?
how does the moral compass company decide true north?
talk amongst yourselves:
topic: how stupid is the phrase "moral compass"?
10:48 AM 
people confuse the hell out of me. what happened to being honest? i hate to do it, but i gotta quote the enormously bloated pompous-ass billy joel: honesty is such a lonely word. everyone is so untrue....
why can't people just talk about what's going on? why is there so much dodging and ducking? we're all just broken, fucked up people right?
i guess to me it just feels so much simpler and real to just be who you are, where you are to everybody. so many people have two or three or ten different groups of people who know them as totally different individuals. happy with one group, drunk with another, crying with another....
that has got to be awfully tiring - i know it is to watch it.
10:38 AM 
ah, valentines day....the day to assuage the guilt of a year of ignoring the one you love...
boycott valentines! don't buy cards! don't give money to the greeting card companies!
do something radical. make a commitment right now to show your love throughout the year.
buy flowers for no reason.
kiss a lot.
send a sweet note just because.
give lots of hugs.
tell the people you care about excactly how you feel as often as possible.
do the little things that your loved ones really care about.
kiss a lot.
it's ok to not support holidays that were created by greeting card companies and retailers, but it takes some creativity and work. it's ok to love people for more than one day and to make them feel special for their entire lives.
ok, i'm stepping down from the soapbox.
by the way, just so everyone knows, i have the most beautiful, wonderful wife in the entire world!
9:02 AM 
9:23 PM 
just in case anybody thinks this is interesting, i wanted to let everyone know that i have officially lost over 80 pounds!! yee-haw!!!!!!!!!
8:27 AM 
aimee had a bad infection and severe dehydration that almost landed her in the hospital...erika has a bad kidney infection that landed her in the emergency room...craig and stephanie had a precious baby girl...danny and trish's baby boy is coming any day now...yesterday my best friend, mentor, and father had a heart attack and is in the hospital for tests to see if he may need surgery...betty's dad went to the emergency room last night with pneumonia and an infection...
i know that i should be thinking about all of these, but i am so tired and scared and excited and freaked out that i'm having trouble praying for them and serving them.
would you pray for me that i would not get wrapped up in my fear and desire for comfort? would you pray that god will give me strength, energy, knowledge, and wisdom to know how to pray and serve the people i love?
would you say special prayers for each of these members of my family?
the battle is on and i am struggling not to be selfish and afraid.
9:13 AM