ok...a little update on aimee...the days are running together at this point! she has a urinary tract infection which is one thing, but the really bad thing is that she is severely dehydrated and can't keep any liquids down. we are on hospital watch right now in case we need to go get intravenous fluids. she seems to be better but then she turns a corner and feels worse. we appreciate all your prayers!
1:04 PM 
i'm home today with aimee and shaun. aimee has had a terrible headache since yesterday and it got so bad today that she threw up and if you know aimee, that is a big deal!
she looks very pale and really can't function. i'm worried. would you all pray for her? the earliest we could get to the doc is 2pm, so pray for me too - i've got a baby on my hands that wants her mommy!!!
10:46 AM 
as a reply to jough's comment on my last post, i just want to say that i think that things can be hard and not "suck". yeah, being married sucks sometimes, but the benefits are far greater than that suckage. marriage is hard because we are selfish, self-centered beings who want things our way. the hard part is loving that other person enough to not have to get your own way.
i love my wife, i love my baby, i love my life. i am glad i'm married - sometimes to the point of cheering....but that doesn't mean that it's not hard.
and oh yeah, jough, i am not always at my computer when you IM....sorry man....but just because i'm not there don't assume i don't love you!
1:02 PM 
being married is hard. sometimes it's easier to walk away than to stay and fight - even through the pain of letting go. i have heard that several couples who are very close to me are splitting up and my heart is breaking for them.
i can't judge them or be angry at them for what they feel they need to do, but it is still pretty hard to watch.
please say a prayer for my friends and their families.
10:42 AM 
Love's Recovery
During the time of which I speak
It was hard to turn the other cheek
To the blows of insecurity
Feeding the cancer of my intellect
The blood of love soon neglected
Lay dying in the strength of its impurity
Meanwhile our friends we thought were so together
They've all gone and left each other
In search of fairer weather
And we sit here in our storm and drink a toast
To the slim chance of love's recovery
There I am in younger days, star gazing
Painting picture perfect maps
Of how my life and love would be
Not counting the unmarked paths of misdirection
My compass - faith in love's perfection
I missed ten million miles of road i should have seen
Meanwhile our friends we thought were so together
Left each other one by one on the road to fairer weather
And we sit here in our storm and drink a toast
To the slim chance of love's recovery
Rain soaked and voice choked
Like silent screaming in a dream
I search for our absolute distinction
Not content to bow and bend
To the whims of culture that swoop like vultures
Eating us away, eating us away
Eating us away to our extinction
Oh how i wish i were a trinity
So if i lost a part of me
I'd still have two of the same to live
But nobody gets a lifetime rehearsal
As specks of dust we're universal
To let this love survive
Would be the greatest gift that we could give
Tell all the friends who think they're so together
That these are ghosts and mirages
All these thoughts of fairer weather
Though it's storming out I feel safe within the arms
Of love's discovery
- emily saliers
9:09 AM 
just for the record, it is way, way, way past time for a road trip to the big d to see
the rudds. maybe one day soon we'll get a wild hair and head up to the cultural apex of texas and pay them a visit!
11:04 AM 

there is no comprehending the study habits of the very mild mannered shaun in her natural habitat.
5:51 PM 
an anonymous someone sent me the new
nirvana box set in the mail on friday. it is really, really good - and very haunting.
before i give the rest of my review, i want to say that i am not in any way flippant about drug use. these are simply my opinions on the music.
i think that jane's addiction was a great band when they started. they blew in quick, made a mess, and blew up. listening to their most recent stuff, i am of the opinion that they were a much better band as junkies.
this is not so with kurt. listening to this collection of demos, one-offs, and radio performances, it is clear that heroin destroyed a great and painful voice. this guy was brilliant when he was clear, and horrid when he was immersed in the chocolate world of h.
if you are not a fan, this is probably not the purchase for you, but wow, if you are, you gotta get it. it's incredible - both brilliant and uplifting and painful and haunting. good stuff.
8:26 AM