joe -
i know you can't read, but here's the deal: if you want to pee on yourself, that's ok - i don't want to infringe upon your love of personal golden showers. if you don't, you shouldn't lean so far out from the telephone pole that you fall while trying to pee!
9:13 AM 
ah...the morning (mourning) after a four day weekend....
sucks being back in the grind!
i wanted to clarify that my last post was not designed to guilt or shame anyone for celebrating thanksgiving. i think it's great to be thankful! my personal take is that we should celebrate and be thankful each day and on this day, we should mourn and acknowledge this horrible part of our history...
everybody thinks i'm cuckoo because i think this, so my blog is my only means of protest and there it is.
9:47 AM 
if you are a geeky bad-ass like i know i am, you gotta get
this. it's even cross-platform!
way cool.
11:41 AM 
the cry of a truly desperate woman:
where's the booger snatcher!!!???
1:19 PM 
sitting here with the fire crackling, enjoying the quiet. baby is sleeping in her crib in the next room, aimee is asleep in our room. it's very peaceful and nice. i love winter nights - even if we only get one or two a year.
by the way, my apartment now smells like a camp fire.....
12:32 AM 
i'm really bored with all my music right now....
there just doesn't seem to be much that is exciting out there. i listened to the proclaimers this morning and they are so damn cool. you gotta check them out if you are into scottish folk pop gospel...really cool and quirky.
pretty much all i've been into lately is sad bastard music like
pedro the lion and
damien jurado...really good stuff, but not terribly exciting.
what are you listening to that i should check out to get over the hump?
11:26 AM 
emily reminded me how much i love that when we sing to shaun, she stops crying and starts laughing and smiling! i love it. here is her favorite song:
jesus loves the little shaun-y
oh what a special girl
good or bad, wrong or right
she is precious in his sight
jesus loves the little shaun-y with the curls....
what a sweet little girl.....
9:24 AM 
hey everyone - i don't know who wrote this, but i have had it for a long time and it expresses my life exactly. spooky....
Attention Future House Church Planters--Count the Cost:
Expect pain.
Expect to be misunderstood.
Expect to be persecuted and expect it to come first from those who follow Jesus.
Expect to be maligned, attacked and ridiculed from all sides.
Expect to grow tired and weary.
Expect to want to give up.
Expect to lose many old friends.
Expect to lose all of your friends where the "church" is the central reason for your friendship.
Only your deep and Christ-centered friendships will endure.
Expect to be labeled. (a freak, a hippie, a cult leader, a quitter, a fraud, an idealist, a purist, a heretic, a divider, a communist, a jerk, an egomaniac, a devil worshiper)
Yes, I've been called them all to my face.
Expect to weep...deeper and stronger than you ever have.
Expect to doubt your calling, your convictions, your path, your faith, and your life.
Expect to be lonely.
Expect to be seen as utterly unsuccessful.
Expect to die...nothing will be left of you. You will cease to exist. The last things in you to die will be your desire to be great for God and your desire to be happy.
And then, you will finally...
Expect life.
Expect meaning.
Expect to finally understand the prophets and apostles.
Expect to know Jesus and his life...for that is all that you will have...and that is all that you need.
6:24 PM 
i agree with
joshua 100%. i've said it before and i'll say it again - if you can't have
safari, you gotta get off the
internet explorer bandwagon and get you some mozilla!
this is really fun!
11:43 AM 
i still don't have anything to say, but i'll post this just for fun!! what a beautiful little angel!!
10:24 PM 
i wish i was feeling more posty these days, but a lot of factors are conspiring to keep me tired and uninterested. maybe i'll have another renaissance after a while.
over and out.
3:26 PM