here are some pictures of
shaun renee....
10:49 AM 
just in case anyone is wondering...we are still waiting....
5:27 PM 
well, we're still waiting...waiting....waiting. we know that she will come in her own time, but she's making aimee really uncomfortable! yesterday after aimee's la leche league meeting aimee gasped and i looked over and her belly was lopsided! this crazy alien baby has taken over our lives and she isn't even here yet! oh well, i keep you all updated. that is pretty much all that is happening in our lives at the moment - just waiting for baby girl!
9:02 AM 
well, yesterday was our little girl's due date. we went to the doctor (who is incredulous that this child is not born) for our regular appointment and everything is progressing great - plenty of fluid, big baby (estimated at 8 pounds - yeah right), 3 cm dilation...but no baby!
we're ready when you are little girl!!
hey - if anyone has name ideas - post them in my comments!!!!
11:58 AM 
on the heels of nathan's question in my comments...i have just been very busy. i've taken over leading alpha house - the recovery/discipleship house next door and that pretty much means that i have two jobs. it's really hard, but really good. we are also in a holding pattern waiting for the baby - she is due on monday, but the doc says she's been ready for about two weeks now. docs are evil by the way. love to all out there in blog land!!
11:11 AM