i don't know who wrote this, but i really like it....
Laugh readily along with someone trying to be funny.
Listen to those that are quiet.
Be of encouragement to those that lack confidence.
Talk first to ones that seem shy.
Be accepting of those that are peculiar.
Notice those that are in need of attention.
12:44 PM 
hmmm....new blogger gui...interesting...
we stayed at the 4 seasons this weekend - thanks
it was way bad ass. we really want to be rich now - people were totally nice to us...we sat in the bar and had a martini and listened to the piano play...swam in the fourth floor pool and then walked back to our room in our cozy robes...i highly recommend it!
9:03 AM 
i have had an ulcer for about three years now. i don't know how many of you have had an ulcer, but it pretty much controls your life. you can't eat certain things, you are in pain for no apparent reason, you pop antacids like candy....it's pretty horrible. almost as bad as going to the doctor.
so i went to the dreaded doctor, filled out all the forms and waited. i was poked, prodded, weighed, measured, and generally groped. then they stuck a needle in me. did i mention i don't do doctors?
anyway, i have the helicobacter pylori bacteria and that is what is causing the ulcer. so now i have 8 pills a day to take for two weeks straight and i am hoping that this will be a change for the better. i just really need less acid in my life.
8:40 AM