i saw on
nathan's site that apple's new lossless encoder gives us cd quality at half the size of mp3. unfortunately, that is not true. the lossless encoded file is about half the size of an uncompressed cda file (cd sound file). the resulting sound file is roughly 10 times the size of an mp3. sad times indeed.
10:05 AM 
i can't keep watching this over and over can i???? freakin' hilarious if you ask me (ok, i'm a geek)....
make the switch
1:27 PM 
last night in our bradley class, we watched a video of a baby being born. it was amazing and gross at the same time. i don't have much of a stomach for blood or the stretching of body parts so that is the only reason i say it was gross.
aimee and i were crying watching this. i don't know how i'm gonna watch my wife do this super painful thing, but i'm trying to build up my nerve and courage...if anyone knows how to keep from blacking out in the delivery room, please let me know!
it's getting closer and closer and i am really really anxious about the birth. i think i'm as ready as a non-parent can be to actually have the kid in the house, but i'm very not ready for the actual birth. maybe one day i'll look back at this and laugh - who knows, right now i'm just shaking.....
1:21 PM 
we watched kill bill vol. 2 this weekend and although almost too violent, it was a good flick.
this was the first weekend in a long time that we rested. we hung out together, listened the rain, snipped at each other a little, watched alias, and genuinely enjoyed ourselves. man, i wish i didn't have to be back in the real world today.
on the good news front, i have now lost 13 pounds along my way to losing about 170. Those who know me know that i am a very large guy - dyingly large. i want to be around to hang out with my wife and daughter for a long time, so i'm making changes. i quit smoking for good almost three months ago. it feels really good but sometimes i still feel a little left out. now i'm tackling the fat - so i may not look like the same josh next time you see me.
if you get a chance, pray that i would be strong and that i would be serious about being healthy for my family and myself.....
8:44 AM 
ah, friday. fridays are best when you work for the state. i bet they are even better if you work at home! there is a good possibility that i will be mr. mom when our little girl is born. i'm working towards being able to say goodbye to the state! but, while i'm here, i must say that it is nice to slow down and smell the paperwork on a lazy friday afternoon.....
2:14 PM 
i'm so glad that
nathan called us all out for not blogging and then proceeded to not blog for a gazillion years.....what are we teaching our children here folks? nathan, nathan, nathan - where are you? probably rock starring around the globe.....ah, freedom.......
in other news....nothing.
1:27 PM 
it's funny, it doesn't seem like much is happening around here, but i always seem to be too busy to blog much.
i had my first baby dream last night. it was about me playing with my little boy. um, dream guys? we're having a girl. if you could go ahead and fix that, that would be great.
10:23 AM 
well, aimee's grandfather passed away peacefully on saturday. it was really hard for the family, but it was definitely time. man, this stuff is hard.
8:29 AM 
woohoo! first try too!

You are a
If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!
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8:39 AM 
i wanted to wait a few days to post a memorial to my dad and kurdt.
my dad was a bad guy most of my life, but he was doing better and working on himself when he died of a heart attack on april fools day in 1999. my life would have been so different in so many ways if he was still here. he would have been there 5 months later on my wedding day, we may have worked out that father/son mess we had going, he would be looking forward to meeting his granddaughter. even though we had a lot of stuff between us, i loved my dad fiercely and always wanted him to be proud of me. 5 years later there is still a very empty spot where he should be.
kurt helped me deal with a lot of what i was feeling as a teenager - you could say he was a surrogate father who taught me about punk and cynicism and distrust of authority (he partnered with my dad on that one - we can't trust what is not trustworthy, right?). i think that he was a voice for some of us who had no voice - i know that he didn't want that, but it is what it is. i still can't believe that he killed himself out of selfishness or cowardice. i kind of still think he had more mental stuff going on than all that.
so anyway, cry with me, raise a toast, and maybe scream a little today.
9:13 AM 
the dude abides. i was thinking about john 8 and how it says to abide in god and allow his word to abide in us. i know scriptures - maybe even memorized some. i think the dude has a lesson to teach us. he just is. there is no trying, moving toward, stress, anything. the dude abides - he is. i wonder what i would look like if i let the word abide in me - so familiar and real that it just is. i know that would take a bit of a lifestyle adjustment since it begins somewhat externally, but if we let the word abide in us instead of giving in to the cult of knowledge, that seems worthwhile.
the dude abides.
8:37 AM 
ok, so i'm stoked that
the pixies are getting back together, but the whole everything old is new again is getting a bit stale. maybe it's just me that getting stale...oh, and old. i never thought i'd hear the pixies and reunion or jane's addiction and reunion in the same sentence. that's something old guys like aerosmith and the doors do. the thing is, i guess, that i'm getting old and they are all getting old and everybody gotta make a living, right?
oh well, when the baby is a teenager, we'll just be old farts wishing for the way it used to be. rock on black francis and the pixies - older, fatter, balder....maybe you'll rock just as hard...i'm not sure i do......
2:34 PM 
aimee's grandfather is home after being in the hospital for several weeks. he has aggressive cancer almost everywhere in his body and is at home so that he can pass comfortably and peacefully. he has signed a do not resuscitate order, so no heroic measures to save him. i hope that when my time comes, i can look death in the face and peacefully go home. pray for aimee and her family if you don't mind.....
12:39 PM