i cannot believe that my owen wilson comments did not open a lively debate among the 3.5 people who read this blog. seriously, i am becoming more and more culturally irrelevant.
today i'm trying to figure out why i blog instead of just writing letters or emailing.
3:06 PM 
so we went to our first bradley class last night. it was surreal to say the least. it's amazing how many weird situations we end up in. so many people think harbor is a cult and now we are doing bradley childbirth classes and people look at us like we are crazy and offer up their "friendly" two cents about how nothing is going to go as we plan. i know that none of these people read my blog (or even know me for the most part) but just for my peace of mind let me say to them - "SHUT THE HELL UP!" when i need advice, i will ask for it (present company excluded...please keep giving me advice).
whew - i feel better.
so anyway, it was surreal because i find myself wanting to fall asleep on this upper middle class sofa while listening to the horrible live music across the street, trying to pay attention to this monotonous woman READING the book to us through my ADD haze...all the while wondering who these people are that i'm taking the class with. there is one more couple besides us and man, they are classic pretty frat type people with money. it's funny how i'm totally opposite of the world - it's harder for me not to judge these people than folks with drug problems, metal and drawings on their bodies, etc....
it's gonna be an interesting 12 weeks.....
8:26 AM 
by the way, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind was excellent - very worth a look....
10:55 AM 
ok, so have any of you guys seen starsky and hutch? does owen wilson even read the scripts anymore? there was a day when i knew that i would watch a movie just because he was in it, but damn - behind enemy lines started a new trend with this guy! sorry for the rant, but come on - bottle rocket, permanent midnight, rushmore, the minus man, zoolander, royal tenenbaums - even shanghai noon for the love of god (although i hated shanghai knights)! these were works of art....now i don't think he even knows what movie he's in....
damn, how the mighty have fallen.....
by the way, i hated starsky and hutch...cheap laughs here and there and nothing more....arghhhh...um, wait, snoop dogg was the man as ususal - the only redeeming quality....
10:50 AM 
side note - i'm kind of sad that
nathan kicked me off of his blog for not posting....
oh well, i'll keep reading anyway.....
9:30 AM 
we've been out of town for the better part of a week. it's good to be back, but not back to work! i am doing a job that is really stressful - not because it is hard work, but because i got thrown into it with very little instruction, so i'm kind of lost.
anyway, last week was fun. we hung out with
joshua and kristen and that is always fun - oh and we got to meet judah too! i got some cute pictures of her....
then we flew out to beautiful asheville, nc to pick up our new truck (new to us). we love it!
anyway, on the real front, we start our bradley method childbirth classes this thursday. thanks to
joshua and kristen (again) for pushing aimee over to the prepared side!
9:28 AM