hey everybody...thanks for praying...my mom is back home and in good shape. she should not have made it, but i believe that god healed her. if anyone is interested, i can tell the story...just drop me a line....thanks for all the prayers and kind thoughts and words!
3:42 PM 
hey all out there in blog land...my mom is very sick and has been for the last 5 days or so. if you guys get a chance, send some prayers up will ya?!
9:41 AM 
we went and saw matrix: revolutions this weekend and i thought that it was thoroughly enjoyable. i think that with each film they have added something really cool. i was a bit disappointed with the ending - it was a bit too easy and left too much room for more sequels, but otherwise i really liked it. i thought it was cool that they kept talking about making the choice. this life feels like that for me. i don't make the choice for the sake of the choice, but i wake up every morning and make the choice to be god's and follow that path - no matter how painful or hard it may be. overall, really cool trilogy and i hope they don't make any more! oh, and i'm glad that keanu has made his money, cause damn - he really can't act.....
12:26 PM 
i got a call from a really close friend the other day. he had moved away to find himself and god and pretty much left everything he ever knew behind. he sounded really good. happy, healthy, normal. i am very proud of him and really elated that he is doing well. i think this was the first time that it hit me that he is gone. he's moved on and is making a new life for himself. new place, new job, new friends, even a girlfriend! i listened to him talk and asked all the questions that popped up in my head, all the while choking back the flood of tears that i knew was coming. i know that goodbyes are just a part of life - and maybe even a part of how god teaches us about loneliness and loss, friendship and faith. i just wish that it wasn't so hard. i am glad that there is struggle because we would never grow if there wasn't, but sometimes - in the saddest times, i wish i wasn't so connected to people. of course, that's a whole circular thing, right? if i wasn't, i would never get the richness of living in community with others. anyway, just had to get this off my chest. i confess that i am weak and sentimental. i confess that i love and miss my friend - and will continue to. i confess that it hurts pretty bad. i confess that i am ok with all of that. it is in my weakness that my savior is made strong.
to my friend: keep singing those songs and keep running full force into the sun. i'll keep watching and waiting and loving and praying for you. dream, live, love, laugh....and most selfishly, remember.
goodbye.....(um, not forever)
9:14 AM 
joy to the world! the holidays are nearing and we have begun the monumental task of figuring out how to spend time with four different families without killing each other or anybody else. divorce sucks. holidays were fun when we were little, and i believe that they will be again someday. right now we are trying to figure out how to honor all the parents while not bowing to their guilt trips. pray for us - we could really use some divine intervention....
10:55 AM