ted and i both got this quote from a friend of ours in our emails today.
"All we do know, and that to a large extent by direct experience, is that
evil labors with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing
always the soil for unexpected good to sprout in. " --from some letter by
5:11 PM 
I don't know
this guy, but you ought to go read his blog about the poor - i'm talking RIGHT ON. jesus said that the poor will always be with us...there is no excuse for the opulence in this country when so many people go the way of the unbathed masses. it's time to put our stuff and our money where our theology is! here are the snippets of scripture that
dan put down on his blog...
YOU have already received you comfort!
woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.
woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.
woe to you when all men speak well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
Hear me, friends! God has privileged those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him. BUT YOU HAVE INSULTED THE POOR. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? ...If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right.
2:45 PM 
we had a great time of prayer at our place last night...the holy spirit was really present and moving through us - it was totally cool. i was struck last night by how far this community of people has come and gone within the last 7 years. it seems so recent that we were moving in to start rahab and spy out the land and now there are not 5 or 6 people, but 50 or 60 - all focused in one way or another on seeing montrose transformed and seeing their own lives transformed. we are seeing god work in the lives of folks who are coming out of prison sentences, are fighting addictions, are fighting each other, getting divorced, being reconciled, giving up predjudices, blessing one another, loving one another, challenging one another, living with one another....i can't imagine going back to sleep. that is how i relate to the time before god called me to a deeper responsibility to his people...really called my name at all. i just think of all the people who are missing out on the richness of struggle and pain and how sweet the victory is afterwards. it's just such a beautiful glimpse into what god wants for us as i think about how this community loves and trusts each other and how we are all learning together how to do that better. just thought i would share that and hope it is encouraging!
10:12 AM 
so we've begun praying for a property here in montrose to begin our whatever communal thing. i'm excited about what's happening down here, but a bit apprehensive about an almost total lack of interest by any people in what we feel called to do. i see that
joshua and kristen are into it, i know that the whole austin crowd is into it - the world is moving there! but, there is nobody here. so i guess what aimee and i are gonna do is to move into a two bedroom apartment and try to find one person who will go communal and start there. i guess i just gotta keep praying and believing that god doesn't start stuff he doesn't plan to finish...i feel like my life has been leading up to this and can't see it happening.....oh well, sorry for the rambling...peace!
2:36 PM 
I will sing for the meek
For those who pray with their very lives for peace
Though they're in chains for a higher call
Their mourning will change into laughter when the nations fall
In spirit poor
In mercy rich
They hunger for Your righteousness
Their hearts refined in the purity
Lord let me shine for them
Lord let me sing
Lord let me shine for them
Lord let me sing
i'm not a big christian music guy (that's a huge issue for another day) but rich mullins is the man and said what is in my heart lately very well....just thought i'd share....or maybe just have a place where i can go silently and alone and feel for a while. thanks rich. thanks jesus.......
3:51 PM 
i was thinking this weekend about how the early church was so sure that jesus was there with them in their gatherings that they left an empty seat for him. i love that concept and that level of belief. however, i was looking around me as i was in various situations with various people over the weekend and realized that that concept could be a kind of forest for the trees mentality. jesus is there. he is that guy that smells funny, looks weird, is a little too loud and obnoxious....that girl that keeps looking at me and licking her lips - even though she sees me holding hands with my wife....that guy over there that smoked his last crack rock six days ago and is smoking cigarettes like crazy with no thought whatever to the damage he is inflicting on the "pure" folks....i guess i just realized how much my inner pharisee is awakened when i am feeling like i've set a place for jesus at my table and i'm so gratified by that empty chair and my belief, only to miss jesus sitting on my front step dying for someone to love them......
11:10 AM 

wow. i couldn't help it. thanks to
10:21 AM