i read
andy's blog about films and i want to throw in that you need to go see
whale rider at your local art theater. the mainstreams probably won't carry it, but it is phenomenal! aimee, roy, and i saw it at the landmark and were blown away....go see it!!
9:51 AM 
i generally steer way clear of political stuff - but social stuff is very near and dear to my heart. i was inspired to post this song even though it may brand me as a radical. i don't agree with a lot of this guy's views, but i definitely agree with the ones in this song.....that said, i don't wish harm to anyone associated with these companies or the people who patronize them, but if i can get one person to take their money elsewhere, i feel like i've done a public service....
i hate wal-mart
you can catch more of the same at
dave lippman. just beware, he may offend......
12:33 PM 

hey, one more thing, if anyone is so inclined, we need prayer over here.
big blue is dead and needs massive amounts of money poured into her to make her run. we are content to be without her, but that would entail losing lots of money too. also, aimee and i have really been passionate about starting a commune/urban monastery thing for a long time and are ready to start pursuing it for real - we could use prayer that we would have clear direction in this journey. thanks!
10:32 AM 
so it's been a long time since i have put anything down here, but maybe i'll try....it's now been about two and a half months since aimee and i decided to stop being "pastors" at harbor and it's been weird to say the least....i hope it's been long enough that posting this stuff won't cause any great hubbub with the h-town crew. we miss some of the stuff, but we don't miss a lot of the stuff. i remember reading about
joshua and kristen's decision to give their time more to the folks in the culture and i silently applauded them, so now i want to publicly applaud them. i'm more and more convinced every day that paul talked about being "in christ" a gazillion times for a reason. that reason was not about a program or a plan, it was because anything worthwhile has to grow out of our "in christ - ness". anyway, hope all my peeps are doing well...special shouts to travelers
ted and
erika....miss you guys and love you.
10:23 AM