
You are a Roland Juno 60
-You are an analog synth from the 80's who can pump
out bass frequencies like no other
-your anolog sound is treasured by the breakin'
electro kids of the old school
-you are highly respected
-you aren't very high tech and dont like computers
-you can either be a leader or offer great support
when you need to
-you are one of the coolest kids out there
what synthesizer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
9:20 AM 
ted "baby giant" beam at
power of rock wrote this on 2003-04-25 - 11:02 a.m.
"Galations 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Here is my translation:
There is neither American nor unamerican, conservative nor liberal, democrat nor republican, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
I hope we keep working toward this as followers of Christ in North America. I think we have compromised way too much of our faith in the name of political pragmatism."
Amen to that!
As Gordon Gano says:
I'm nothing'
I'm nothin'
Are you a republican or a democrat
A liberal fascist full of crap
I'm nothin'
I'm nothin'
Somebody somewhere might be something
But everybody everywhere
Knows that I'm nothin
Politics and dirty tricks
I got no time for stones and sticks
Politics and dirty tricks
I got no time I'm chasing chicks
I'm nothin'
I'm nothin'
Somebody somewhere might be something
But everybody everywhere
Knows that I'm nothing
I'm nothing but I'm not proud
'Cause being nothing it's not allowed
Are you a gay or are you straight
Do you believe in love
Or do you believe in hate
I'm nothin'
I'm nothin'
Somebody somewhere said he was something
But to everybody everywhere
I'm saying I'm nothing
I'm nothing. I'm like a cloud
I'm free to be alone in a crowd
What's your reality. It's not real to me
What's your anomaly. It is my destiny
I'm nothin'
I'm nothing now and I'll be nothing when
This nothing world has it's nothing end......
a little extreme? maybe....i mean, i am jesus' kid, but um, nothing else.....peace and love!!!
4:22 PM 
hoo-wee! hours of family fun! which is the real cursor??
3:57 PM 
brad (not b-rad) has an interesting post on his blog -
april 22 is the post date. it talks about boxes and no boxes, er, um....well, just go read it!
3:17 PM 
i was talking to a couple of friends about struggling today and yesterday and thought that i would record my thoughts:
i was walking home yesterday after big blue died and i was thinking how everyone that i talk to about this stuff (porn, money, addiction) believes that we are not meant to carry these burdens around forever. that led my thoughts to all the folks that jesus healed during his ministry - he healed the unhealable! i feel like i cannot be healed and cannot be diligent and perservering, but as i began to meditate on this, a righteous indignation (at myself, no less) was awakened! i pray that god will keep this pressure on and that the holy spirit will begin to take full control of this crap so that we can be "afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body." I am praying for victory for us - i don't know what that looks like in real world terms, but i am praying that god will do his work on his terms in his timing. the question was asked - how do we get past all this stuff and move toward rejoicing with one another? i think that the way that we get past this to rejoicing is to begin rejoicing in the victory right now. we know the outcome - and we know (in this instance) god's desire for us. now we live in victory with one another and praise god for the struggle and the victory at the same time!
i don't know, maybe i'm just rambling, but in my spirit, i am convicted and encouraged and i hope you are too. the money thing is only getting worse on my end and i just gotta believe that god is going to provide - i'm just scared it won't look like i need (want) it to!
8:56 AM 
we had a really somber but good time last night with our good friday bunch. stacy was there from austin and there were cool talks to be had before and after. we all went down to allen parkway behind our house and we took two raliroad ties with us. it took all thirteen of us to carry both of them (150-200 lbs each), but we carried them as we meditated on the stations of the cross and whatever the holy spirit brought to our hearts and minds. it was really deep talking about the experience with folks afterwards because everyone had such varying revelations. we will celebrate the resurrection tomorrow!! love to all out there!
10:53 AM 
not a heck of a lot going down these days....i read and liked and related to
the preacher's take on being a bird shit preacher boy - i have the same experience except that i don't preach. you should check it out....especially if you do that bi-vocational thing. just learning (or trying to learn) lots of stuff....doing some navel gazing lately about what kind of husband i am - generally pretty selfish is what i've found, so i've been meditating on the way christ loved the church so maybe i can go there with aimee someday. pray for me - i'm pretty stubborn.....
2:11 PM 
here is a picture especially for roy who doesn't feel like a rock star after being relegated to a nobody in the ted band....i mean heroes of rock!! don't worry roy, we are DEFINITELY rock stars! who else do i know that plays drums and guitar (her name is ruby) at the same time!?!
3:00 PM 
just got back from our heroes of rock concert. it was a bit tough because it just wasn't gelling and we cleared the place out, but like roy said - at least we had fun!
andy and bea were here and took pictures. here is the first one they took on my camera:
bloody brilliant i say - avant garde at it's best! glad you guys were there! there will presumably be more pictured on
their blog in the future....i'm the corpulent barefoot guy...peace!
1:00 AM 
a post on
steve taylor's blog got me thinking about how i started living here in montrose 6 years ago and also how far i've come from my original mission:
"Jesus talks about mission as walking from town to town, looking for hospitality. Searching for the “house of peace”. It’s a similarly precarious lifestyle, isolated, dependant of the hospitality of the culture. This is not a mission of conquest, of answers, of certainty. This is a mission of partnership, of shared bread, of lifestyle and of community."
seems like i've moved more in the direction of christian-pleasing and making sure that everything around me is safe and secure and there is enough stuff and money rather than focusing on what i am truly called to do. i believe in the deepest places that these houses of peace and the rahabs of our communities are the keys to unlocking the culture. we gotta be people people - needy, dependent, humble - that's the stuff of life!
10:43 AM 
well, today is the 4th anniversary of my dad's death. it's really hard to remember and go back there and think of all the time that we won't spend together, but i guess it's good to just bawl and cry and shake my fists at the sky and then go on with my life. i was remembering his hands today. as a boy, i never held my dad's hands, but as i grew older i always remember my dad's hands being big and strong with stubby fingers. they were really rough because he worked with them all the time - he was the boss, but he was never scared to jump into the work site and show someone how to do anything. so, they were rough and scarred and always had a cut of some kind. i held his hand when we sat with him in the hospital room. he had been gone for hours, but he was still warm. it's hard to describe - i kept thinking that he looked like he was asleep. i thought maybe if we all prayed and believed that he would just sit up and gasp and look around and say he was hungry or something. i loved my dad. he was the biggest asshole in the world and could hurt me more than anyone, but i valued my daddy's love and acceptance and pride in me above anything else in this world. i pray that i would live a life that would make him proud. i know that the more i am like jesus, the more proud he would be, so i guess i'm stumbling in the right direction. i was just thinking that this grief i feel is like worship should be. this grief is in every corner of my life - i can't make it go away or separate myself from it. it colors the music i listen to, how i take care of my body, how i show love, my work, my music, my relationships. i can't, and honestly, don't want to move it into some dark, forgotten corner. it flows through everything. that's what i believe worship is...or jesus, or community, or whatever you want to call this "bride of christ"....it is not something that resides in a place or an hour or a piece of clothing. it is woven into the very fabric of our beings and we choose to hide it or run from it or be afraid of it. it affects everything about us - the music we listen to, how we spend our time, our relationships with others....it's everywhere. i am going to give in the grief and i'm going to give in to the body and live wide open - no borders, no compartments.......
12:33 PM